
October 2, 2018

Braids On Point

I felt really rusty braiding on Saturday since I haven't shown all year, but despite that, my braids turned out the best they've ever been:

Austen taught me to do these braids a long long time ago (see her video tutorial here).  When you have a flaxen mane against a chestnut body, you have to get really good at braiding, because any braiding mistakes can be seen from a mile away.

I braid with yarn, although those Quick Knot pins Amanda reviewed a while back do just as good of a job.  I'm just way too attached to my zen meditation braiding time to give that up, plus yarn is cheaper over the long run.  But, the braids look just as good either way you do them, as shown by supermodel Castleberrys Gavin:

Even the forelock didn't suck, which like, I feel like I need to go buy a lotto ticket or something.  I am not good at forelocks.

He looks skeptical that I said his forelock looks good, can you blame him?  I've put him through a lot of shitty forelock braids over the years!

Informal poll!  When it comes to braids, are you a bands person, a yarn person, a QuickKnot person, a waxed thread person, or a something else person?


  1. Those braids! **swoon**

    With my limited little shows, I'm a roached mane girl.

  2. Those braids look great!
    I have always used yarn.

  3. I braided May once... and I used rubber bands. I have a video somewhere of her in them. Either way, here's a far away pic. The braids were originally done the night before the show, and then she was trailered 3 hrs to this horse trial.

  4. I'm yarn all the way. I have a couple kids who got pretty good with bands and they turn out pretty but I really prefer my yarn. Your braids are stunning here

  5. Yarn, because i have no idea how to do anything else. Imma have to hire you to come braid for me tho, those look AMAZING!

  6. I'm still a firm believer in my Braideez. I really need to master the art of the forelock braid. I usually just end up knotting mine up with a million rubber bands and hoping no one looks too closely at it.

  7. I'm a roached mane person lol! Though Grif and Q do have their forelocks which I would braid if I ever had to.

  8. Yarn through and through. For no reason other than it's what I have always done, feel the most comfortable with, and it really doesn't take me long to do at this point.

  9. Your braids look awesome. I like yarn for Levi's mane, but Eugene's running button braids only seem to work with rubber bands.

  10. Hunter braids are done with yarn and after watching Aly make decently quick work out of my horses mane at SBW I feel like I need to give a decent shot to learning next year. Your braids look lovely!

  11. I'm a hunter princess so it's always yarn for me.
    These are beautiful by the way! I want to work on these bigger braids for if and when I get a jumper again.

  12. Your braids look awesome! I'm sure the yarn holds better than the Quick Knots! By the end of that weekend those braids weren't held up with anything but luck and lots of bands! ;)
