
January 27, 2021

Racing the Sun

Sunset is up to 5:59pm here, which means if I bolt from my desk at 5pm sharp, change, drive 8 minutes to the barn, do the bare minimum of grooming and use a bareback pad, I have just enough time for a 20-30 minute ride outside. Which, by this point in the winter, we all desperately need.


The Brockcamp Spezial bareback pad continues to be one of my better investments and deserves a proper review at some point. On this night, the neighbors let their English Mastiffs loose and they ran at the fence toward Connor, which made him predictably jump, but I was sitting cool and sticky (haha) with my silicone full seats on the suede Brockcamp and was never in danger of being unseated.

With every week that goes by I have to rush this hack a little less. Come on sun, you can do it!


  1. Glad you are loving the pad so much! Is it normal for you to be able to ride outside this time of year? Too cold and frozen here in Michigan currently!

    1. Yeah, here too, I just bundle up and only do walk hacks outside. No point in suffering for sunshine when we have such a nice indoor to use for actual schooling, but I can survive 20-30 minutes at 25-30 degrees in order to give Connor a mental health break from the indoor.

  2. 5:59 how luxurious! We finally cracked sunset at 5 and currently are setting at 5:19pm. It sets a little later in the Bay area by about 10-15minutes and I didn't even realize that when I lived there haha

    1. Wow yeah. There are definitely benefits to living on the very far western border of Eastern time, like the sun not setting til almost 10 in the summer. On the flip side of that, the sun doesn't rise until well after 8am in winter, so that sucks, but I definitely don't complain about the sun setting an hour later than it does for my parents 3 hours west of me in Central time.

  3. I bet Connor loves the time outside! Glad the pups didn't get you off! Also, LOVE the brockamp pad. I use it on Shiny quite a bit.
    Today is the first day that the sun will set during the 5pm hour here. I'm SO glad the days are getting longer again!

  4. I need to move further south or to a different time zone. I was so excited about a 5pm sunset last night! Beautiful pictures - it looks so nice there :)

  5. 5:59? Ooohh...nice to get out after work for an outside ride. We just hit 5:03pm for sunset here!

  6. I feel you on this. If I leave exactly at 5pm, I have time to get the dogs out for a run before dark. it is nice that it is SLOWLY getting better and better.
