October 27, 2015

2015 Body Clipping Round 1: Teaching FBR How to Clip

I officially made it one week longer without clipping this year than last year!

And this time, I had company:

Tee hee.  I had given him a quick and dirty apron clip two days prior,before my lesson, because it was 80 and I figured he'd die of heat exhaustion if I didn't.
FBR had asked me a long time ago if she could hang around while I clipped Connor, to which I said of course, but only if you help.  Seriously, can you think of a better horse for a 14 year old to learn to clip on?  He stands like a rock even for the ticklish spots, and he grows hair back so fast any clipper tracks will be gone in three days.  She could have turned him into a swiss cheese for all I care.

We made a deal that whoever got there first on Saturday morning would bathe him, which I assumed would be her.  Her mom drops her off in the morning and picks her up at night, and she spends her Saturdays picking up walnuts, catch riding and just hanging out, often by herself.  So she had him bathed when I got there and we started the long drying process.

We got into a rhythm where she watched me clip a section and asked questions, and then she did the same section on the other side of his body immediately after.  So we each ended up doing a side.

Mostly all I had to tell her was to remember to keep the clippers at the same angle to his skin, and watch for the hair changing direction.

I knew I wanted to leave a saddle pad patch this year, so I used my Supracor half pad without a cover as a template.  It worked out really well.  I showed FBR how to make a rough outline with it on, and then gently feather the hair using an upward motion with the clippers to smooth it out.  She did really well.

Connor did too - she brought two applesauces to keep him occupied.  What a good kid.

The finished result (her side).  Also keep in mind that I have the super fine Lister Star blades, so between that and Connor being a chestnut, she was set up for clipper track failure:

Not bad, right?

She kept saying "It's so satisfying when you clip a new section and all that hair comes off!" and asked if she could help me with round two in six weeks or so when he needs it again.  I said sure, it was way more fun with two people than one.  I think that girl has a future as a professional body clipper!


  1. I need a barn rat who wants to learn to clip!

  2. I have a handful of half-clipped horses because one WS of mine keeps leaving partway through the job. hahaha

  3. What great fun and experience for her and he looks so handsome! I just trace clipped Katai for the first time and I think I could learn a lot from both of you :)

  4. gotta love a motivated and curious barn rat!!!

  5. He looks wonderful! She did a great job! It's so awesome to be able to share knowledge with kids like that.

  6. I need a barn rat! Picks up walnuts, rides AND wants to clip horses... She sounds like a gem.
