August 11, 2016

HCHC Schooling Show Photos: 1-2

I have been so lucky with photos this summer.  I went from not having photos taken of me riding in six months, to getting full sets of show photos from Lisa, and now from Kelly's husband Paul.  I am so grateful to have these!

First up, 1-2 in the grass ring.

His one moment of almost freaking out, before we went into the ring: there was a lawn mower he could hear, but not see, right on the other side of those trees.

Relaxed and listening,
Little bit of tension still in the leg yields, but they've improved a lot.  Also DAMN I'm sitting up straight.
Repeat after me: sitting back does not help with lengthenings.
Mid-head shake

So cute.


  1. You both are looking lovely! That last canter picture is my favorite :)

    1. Thanks, mine too! I would braid him for every ride if I had the time, he's just so cute braided.

  2. Hey, sitting back TOTALLY helps with lenghtenings!

    1. You and I, such similar horses, such similar problems.

  3. The internet is not made for cheering and whistling but you guys look so stupendous that I want to!

    1. Thank you! I feel pretty good about the canter photos.

  4. I have so enjoyed getting to watch you and Connor at the last two shows - gives me insight on Fergie and what we aspire to be when we 'grow up'! You handled both rings with tact and calmness despite the noises the ponies could't see and visuals they could.

    1. I'm so glad! I have been hoping you take that away. Connor's first show was a lot like Fergie's first show. He'll never be dead quiet (obviously! And I wouldn't want that anyway) but he's matured a lot.

  5. The grass ring is just so picturesque!
