February 3, 2025

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie...

I am so new to driving, I don't know what I don't know yet. Which is why it took me a while to admit that the black cart wasn't right for me.

There's a lot about it that IS right for me, and in a world where I had the time and money to fix it up and the right vehicle to transport it more easily AND the space to store multiple carts, I would 100% keep it. 

But it needs more work than I could possibly have assessed until I got it home and hitched it up, it's not suitable for some of the classes I'd like to do, and honestly, it doesn't make me feel confident while driving, which is making me not want to drive - which, in a sport that already feels like it has a lot of mental barriers to me, I really don't need!

Fortunately I paid very little for it and should be able to sell it for the same.

But I'm an avoidant that will power through pretty much anything without thinking about it (hi, working on it), so it's not like I actually thought about all that until I saw a nearly new Frey Sprint cart for sale on Facebook Marketplace an hour from me for about half of the new price, and the exact amount I just sold Connor's Dressage saddle for...


Stopping me in my tracks while scrolling Facebook Marketplace. Well, hello.


The Frey ticks a lot of boxes - it's going to be suitable for anything I want to do in driving for many years to come (including CDEs until I get to a level that requires a four-wheeled cart), it's far easier to transport, and it's light and sturdy. 

The shafts come off (really the whole thing comes apart) and my goodness did I feel safer hauling this than the wood cart. It doesn't stick out at all past my micro truck bed with the shafts removed.


The only thing it won't do is win any "fancy turnout classes" - I can still do them, but I probably won't win. That said, I'd rather bomb around a cones course or a marathon course than win a turnout class anyway, and the wood cart is not suitable for either.

Hilariously, a few hours after I agreed to buy the cart with Disco's jump saddle money, Disco told me he wants to jump, but that's okay. Jump saddles are easier to find.


I got it home on Sunday, and I'm SO in love with it. My SO couldn't stop raving about it either - how much easier to move it was, how much sturdier it felt. The fact that we can swap out the wheels for snow sled runners.

The most handsome horse 💕

The seller also had carriage lamps for it that she threw in for an extra couple hundred dollars. I really shouldn't have, but that's not something I could say no to - they were $500 new and fit the cart perfectly. They are actual oil lamps, like, with flames and wicks, which blew my mind. They will also, along with the wood dash, class it up just a bit more when I'm in a "fancy turnout" class.

They also have red glass on the back - tail lights!

It's easier to get into, and fits me so much better - I can actually brace against the footboard properly (the wood cart doesn't even have a diagonal footboard) which even just resting on stands, felt so much more secure than sitting perched on the wood cart with my feet dangling.

And, on that note, the whole thing is adjustable in so many places. Seat height, shocks, shaft length, shaft width, cart length. I'm sure there are more I'm forgetting. We'll be able to get this perfectly balanced to Disco, although I'm sure it's going to take some fiddling at first.


Bolts, bolts everywhere.

So, all in all, I couldn't be happier with this purchase or the decision to delay getting Disco a jump saddle. It already feels worth every penny to feel EXCITED to drive again, rather than slightly intimidated and uncomfortable.

I already can't wait for my next lesson.


  1. "But I'm an avoidant that will power through pretty much anything without thinking about it (hi, working on it)" - OMG this is me and the reason why I didn't go horse hunting until BB basically fell into my lap (and the reason for multiple other things in my life).

    There is actually a class called "fancy turnout class"??? I will go google image search now!

    1. I can see that! I am very much the same, although therapy has helped. Even just stepping myself back from a situation and asking myself "How do I feel about this? Am I happy in this situation?" is SUCH a foreign concept.

      Driving has turnout classes that range from turnout to TURNOUT. It's a little like hunters vs jumpers, there are some classes that are more how well you perform and how many jumps you leave in the cups (or balls on the cones in this case), and some where your outfit, the vehicle, the horse, and the appropriateness (historical accuracy, size/scale appropriateness and aesthetically pleasing-ness) are the main thing. There are also classes like Ladies to Drive where the horse and carriage are judged on how appropriate they would be for a woman to handle and drive. And there are ALSO classes where you're showing like a four horse hitch on a meticulously restored carriage with passengers, driver and footman all in historically accurate costumes with a picnic hamper on the back that is actually filled with real food and the judge opens it to check for it. Which is still bonkers to me, lol.

  2. Lovely cart!!! Definitely worth the extra for the oil lamps as well, they're so cute! I would honestly feel a little intimidated by the giant wheels on the black cart, so your new one looks comfier already to me. Excited to hear more about your driving adventures!

    1. I never minded them and they look really good with the horse, but there were a lot of other things wrong with the cart, so it's nice to have the other one.

  3. Lol, your "Clydesdale" looks good pulling that cart! 🤣

  4. Oil lamps 😯 the red on the back is really cool!

    1. I thought so too! I didn't notice them at first or realize what they were for. I would love to see them lit up - they have never been used.

  5. I know next to nothing about driving and carts so I'm excited to get to learn more through you! I'll be honest, the two carts looked pretty similar to me, minus the velvet seats look fancier.

    1. You're learning alongside me, I still know nothing too. One cart is steel and one is wood, to start! I do love that velvet seat. But it would be hard to clean if it got wet and muddy!

  6. OMG it is so beautiful! I'm glad it's the perfect upgrade for you! Don't mind my drool over here...

    1. Thank you! It all just came together timing-wise or else I wouldn't have it.

  7. This is so interesting to read! My mini drives (she's retired now) and I stuck with the cart we got originally, it never occurred to me that carts "might not fit" the driver! Granted, I imagine it's a whole different ball game with a horse versus a mini. Especially as she was quiet enough to drive in a halter hahah

    1. Yes! At the very least, your feet need to be able to rest firmly on the floor to where you can brace yourself and sit upright (but not against the seat back, at least according to my driving trainer). I'm pretty short, and both because of the height of the seat of the wooden cart and because it didn't have a diagonal floorboard, just a flat one, I couldn't do that. Like all riders my "holding myself up straight" muscles are really well-developed, but it still felt unstable since you have nothing to help you absorb the motion of the horse starting and stopping. Driving minis sounds so fun!

    2. That makes total sense! Especially knowing that and looking at photos of you in the old cart, how interesting to learn! I'm so looking forward to you trying out the new cart, and those carriage lamps? Yes, totally gorgeous and worth it! Driving minis is sooo fun, I had to stop myself several times over the years from buying another sooty palomino mini because "wouldn't a matched team be so cute?!" Like, yes, yes it would be stinking cute, but their small size doesn't decrease their annual costs hahaha

  8. Okay, first, what a find! I know nothing at all about driving, but it sounds like this cart will suit your needs perfectly. Plus, it'll be awhile before you really need a jump saddle anyway. The cart you can use now!
    Second, Um... I am also an avoidant and just do my best to get things to work because that seems a lot easier. (Remember how long I stayed at that other barn...) Perhaps that is something I should start working on.

    1. Yes I do remember how long you stayed at that other barn and that is totally a thing I would have done too. We should start Avoidants Anonymous.
