November 16, 2011

Where is Contender?

Amid all of the equine-related-but-not-about-Contender posts, I've begun fielding questions about him.  Specifically, where is he?
Hello???  Where did you go?  Sorry, DSLR lens is still broken.

Contender is still at Lisa's, and the current plan is to move him on Monday!  I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it!  In the meantime, I've been collecting the remaining tack I need, (and trying to spread those purchases out so my husband doesn't start regretting the whole pony-acquiring decision), starting my new job at the barn to pay for said pony's board and lessons, and writing enough blog posts to keep this blog going five days a week through the new year.  Seriously, five days a week, check back Monday-Friday for something new.

In the meantime, thanks for stopping by!


  1. Yeah! Monday!! I bet you are excited!!!

    Those posts on your Italian experiences were neat - I really wish I had studied abroad in university...

  2. Laura,
    Study abroad was the best thing I did for myself in college, hands down. I wouldn't be the person I am today without it, to the point that I probably wouldn't have even married the person I did without it. There are a few more Italian equine adventures coming!
