December 2, 2014

Bareback Ride #1

We had our first of many bareback rides tonight, an hour after my saddle went to the post office!

He looks confused.  Where is my saddle?

And you know, I'm pretty damn cheerful about having to ride without a saddle for two months.  If I wasn't, I would be trying a lot harder to find an interim saddle.  I never got a chance to be a kid racing around bareback, and now I get to - although it will be less racing and more "where is his spine in relation to my hip bone" sort of stuff.

Plus seriously, who can keep from giggling when they see this awesome thing?  I am pretty sure this is surplus fabric left over from a 1970's sofa manufacturer.  (Pony bareback pad, by Toklat.)

It's going to be a good two months!


  1. Connor may need a plaid ear bonnet to match that fantastic bareback pad.

    1. This.

      Plus you're totally riding your very own literal PONY bareback. 9 year old me would kill for that.

  2. I agree with jenj! And it sounds like you will be having a lot of fun riding your pony bareback- enjoy :)

  3. You're going to appreciate bareback rides on the cold days!

  4. Every bareback pad I've ever owned has come in that weird 1970's sofa fabric :) Have fun!

  5. now you just gotta dig out that ancient plaid saddle pad to put underneath it so everyone's eyes it.

    1. I don't have one! But I think the barn does...

  6. Connor's expression says it all! Haha
